Emergency Help for Pregnant Women
In Case of Emergency, Call: 08058510239, 09028398271
When to Call:
- Severe abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding – Severe headaches or vision changes
- Sudden onset of severe nausea or
vomiting - Contractions before 37 weeks of
pregnancy - Rupture of membranes (water breaking) before 37 weeks
- Fever above 101.5°F (38.6°C)
- Severe dizziness
or fainting - Baby not moving or decreased fetal movement
What to Expect When You Call:
- A trained healthcare provider will answer your call and assess your situation
- You will be asked questions about your symptoms, medical history, and location
- Based on your situation, you may be advised to seek immediate medical
attention or provided with guidance on how to manage your symptoms
Remember: - Your safety and the safety of your baby
are our top priority - Don’t hesitate to call if you’re unsure or
concerned about your symptoms